Confront Failure and Use it to Your Advantage: The After Action Report
If you’re a basketball fan that grew up in the 1980’s you’re familiar with the story that Michael Jordan was cut from the varsity basketball team as a sophomore. Sure, he was only fifteen and hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet, but the overlooked part of the narrative doesn’t really matter. What does matter is how Jordan responded, using his failure as motivation to become even more driven in his quest for greatness, eventually becoming the best basketball player of all time.
We all fail. It’s a part of life. Some failures are big, while tiny little failures happen daily. As I write this I can think of a handful of failures that happened to me just yesterday. A couple were minor while one was very large, the type of experience that ruins your day and sometimes your week.
We all know there are lessons in failure, but how often do we actually deconstruct failure?
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